Thailand approves tax cuts on entertainment venues to boost tourism

In an effort to increase tourism, Thailand’s government has decided to lower taxes on alcoholic beverages and entertainment venues.

According to Chai Wacharonke, taxes on wine would drop from 10% to 5% and on spirits from 5% to 0%. Additionally, the excise tax on entertainment venues will be cut in half, from 10% to 5%.
According to him, the tax measures would expire at the end of this year.

The declaration follows a two-hour extension in November by the authorities of the operating hours of entertainment venues for visitors and night revelers, to 4am.

In a separate briefing, Lavaron Sangsnit, Permanent Secretary of the Finance Ministry, stated that the losses in tax revenue would be compensated by increased tourism receipts.

The second-largest economy in Southeast Asia is mostly driven by tourism. According to official figures, Thailand generated 1.2 trillion baht in revenue last year, surpassing its objective of 28 million tourists.

According to Lavaron, the goal is to welcome over 34 million tourists by 2024.


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