Moksha Himalaya Spa Resort: Picture-perfect postcard views combined with the opulence

It’s the first glimpse of the Moksha Himalaya Spa Resort; placed majestically on a lush green hillside, framed by deep-green regal pines, that will remain etched in my memory forever. The resort, nestled in the Shivalik range exudes charm and magical beauty, which redefines the concept of luxury with natural serenity.

This article comes with a disclaimer; you might pack your bags, kick the scorching heat aside and see yourself placed in the comforts of this nature’s paradise by the time you finish reading this article. I would not be exaggerating if I describe Moksha Himalaya Spa Resort as a place where Heaven meets Earth, where the beauty of all call natural has assembled in perfect harmony: plants, water, colour, sound, and energy. This adventure is not just for the body but for the soul. It was indeed a privilege to have had the opportunity of experiencing it personally. A quick addition, this is probably the first resort in India where you reach by a modern gondola (cable car).

An enchanting escape

When you’re swamped with work, it is obligatory to carry your laptop even on a vacation, in anticipation to work during free time. I was no different, hoping to find time to work in the mountains, my anticipation went down the drain in no time. I was so engrossed in eating the delicious food, strolling and just glaring at the scenery that my laptop didn’t get to see the mountain sun. There’s a popular saying that travel is therapy, for me the saying turned true at Moksha Himalaya Spa Resort. I had only returned from my power-packed yet exhausting Europe holidays and it felt like Moksha was all I needed. It’s often said that we tend to take things for granted that are closer to us. Since childhood, I’ve noticed this peculiar resort during my travel to Shimla, ignorant of the fact that it has always been this gem perched in the mighty hills.

The contemporary design of the resort integrates perfectly with the colourful cultural and natural accents of the surrounding area. When the sun shines on Moksha, it does so from sunrise to sunset – indeed a magical spot to unravel yourself. Every nook and corner of the property has its own piquant personality stamped by an indomitable character. The rooms come with different views, overlooking the mountains, and terrace farms, but whatever the view of your choice, comfort is always paramount, as is authenticity. My boudoir in Moksha was simply too inviting, too cosy, like a bed meant for Sleeping Beauty (no reference to myself), but I did feel like a medieval princess when I turned out the lights.

The breathtaking views

During my stay at Moksha, I witnessed the most surreal sunrise and sunset. The courteous staff at the resort ensured that we don’t miss this surreal view. That’s not all, hold your horses and keep calm till you take a dip at the infinite jacuzzi with an undisrupted view of the mountains, which was the highlight of my stay. It also has a temperature-controlled, all-weather infinity pool overlooking the valley. The view of the infinity pool is the perfect antidote for tired souls to laze around after a hectic day of travelling.

Buzzing with Himachali(ness)

Coming to culinary delights, the restaurant gives the most contemporary vibe, being exotically encased within glass walls to create all-consuming views. It also feels a little more buzzing being positioned in the corner overlooking the forest and the mountains. Trust me when I say it is the most appropriate setup to satiate all your culinary cravings post that adventurous hike. Those who know me are well aware of my fascination with Punjabi food. I’m a die-hard but my recent introduction to Himachali cuisine has left me in a fix since I tried the local special Himachali Dham at my place. And now, I’ve developed an interest in Himachali cuisine. I regret I was ignorant of this culinary delight all this while. But as it’s said; better late than never! Chef Gautam made sure that my adoration for Himachali delicacies intensified even more with his perfectly curated dishes. He prepared one of the best meals I have ever had. And trust me I am drooling right now while I’m writing this piece.

Experience at every turn

From the very first impression, the resort kept leaving a mark in some way or the other. The picturesque setup, the serenity, and the courteous staff all made me feel at home and yet I was out there involved in activities that are worth experiencing.

Moksha is much more than a resort, it’s an experience you cannot afford to miss. I am glad to have covered this property at this stage of my life where I could do justice to whatever the property had to offer. Though the cosiness of my bed, and chilling in the super spacious rooms tried luring me in, I made it a point to spend my time amidst nature. If that’s not enough the resort offers the Bespoke Program which is tailor-made to fulfil specific client requirements including prescribed meal plans, wellness consultations from a nutritionist and an Ayurvedic doctor, massages and participation in the daily scheduled activities. These activities include yoga and outdoor pursuits that anyone can participate in.

Yet another special offering by the Moksha is the cleansing/detox program, which is a powerful yet safe detox plan allowing you to cleanse your body of all toxins. Working on the premise that the lymphatic system, liver, bowels, kidney and skin must work optimally for effective natural detoxification, the health consultants at Moksha combine prescriptions for daily exercise, nutrition and elimination. This routine treats the root cause of ailments by enhancing toxin catabolism and by balancing the five elements of the human body and mind to bring about a potent sense of wellness. They have a resident Ayurvedic Doctor who will recommend a holistic, all-natural treatment plan depending on the individual’s Prakruti (constitution) and current state of being. The prescribed therapy plan could include a detox, body treatments, a special diet, Yoga and meditation. To achieve lasting results, the Doctor will also recommend a follow-up program as well as education about preventive healthcare measures.

The morning meditations are so relaxing and rejuvenating that I didn’t want to miss out on a single yoga session during my stay. The session was a true bliss with the most amazing scenery in the backdrop, chirping birds, the sun gleaming through the range and a chilly breeze.


Located at around 5000 feet above sea level near Parwanoo in Himachal Pradesh, the resort is easily accessible by road, rail and air – it’s just one hour drive from the Mohali international airport, a short drive from Chandigarh, and a five-hour drive from Delhi. Guests can also use a cable car to reach the resort from Parwanoo.




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