1 year property tax waiver for Gujarat hotels & resorts

The Gujarat government has announced a property tax waiver for one year for hotels, resorts, restaurants, and water parks due to the coronavirus pandemic, officials said.

The decision was taken in a core committee meeting chaired by Chief Minister Vijay Rupani, they added.

Ashok Dhoot
EC, IATO & Chapter Chairman-ADTOI Gujarat


Ashok Dhoot, EC, IATO & Chapter Chairman-ADTOI thanked the Gujarat government and Tourism officials for taking the step of waving off property tax and fixed electricity charges for the hotel industry. He says, “It is a great initiative to boost the hospitality industry which was on edge of winding up due to Covid. Since the hotels, restaurants, and amusement parks will not be required to pay property tax for the period from April 1, 2021 to March 31 2022, it will help them to sustain themselves. Along with that, they will be charged only for actual electricity consumption and there is an exemption on paying fixed electricity charges for a period of one year.”


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